Plymouth Financial Group

United States, PA
Plymouth Financial Group is located in PA and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. 1. We only take listing we can sell. Most brokers will take every listing they can, with a deal success rate of less than 33%. At Plymouth Financial Group, we only take listing we are confident we can sell. Before any listing is taken-at no cost to the seller-a professional from Plymouth sits down with the seller and explains the sales process, develops a value for the business, reviews all options to sell the business, and determines if Plymouth Financial Group and the seller are right for each other. 2. No Upfront fee! Most of the fax services and listing groups are looking for upfront fees of $4,000 to $25,000, not Plymouth Financial Group. All fees to Plymouth are 100% success based. If we do not sell your business, you owe us Nothing. 3. Marketing Campaign, Plymouth Financial Group uses a professional four step marketing campaign to find qualified buyers, for each of our clients. The process is comprehensive and the best way to find the largest amount of potential buyers, while still keeping the offering confidential. If you are serious about selling your business, and want a professional group to represent you that uses a successful marketing program, with no upfront fees, and the ability to get deals done, then please give us a call.
City: Not found
Phone: 610-828-2480