
18831 Willamette Drive
United States, OR, Portland - West Linn, 97068
Pragmaventures is located in OR and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. PragmaVentures, Inc. was founded in 1993 to bring the skill sets of M&A transactional methods to the business brokerage community. As an organization dedicated to confidentially serving principals in small and middle market companies in specialized transactional assistance, business sales and acquisitions, business valuations and business counseling services, our goal is to bring value by providing accurate, honest, realistic and beneficial services to our clients while maintaining the highest degree of confidentiality obtainable. All of our associates have owned their own business and understand the problems associated with acquisition, startup, expansion, marketing, valuation, merger and sale of businesses and have dedicated their careers to the successful prevention or solving of their clients business problems. Whether you are selling, buying, valuing or planning exit strategies, let the PragmaVentures team work for you and your professionals to solve your business problems. Our comprehensive experience spans two decades of business brokerage, seller and buyer consulting, business management and business appraisal services.