Dave Nagar

98-00 62Nd Drive
United States, NY, New York City, 11374
Dave Nagar is a New York City business broker of the well-known Ceo Business Brokers business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in New York City, NY and nearest regions. Dave is highly entrepreneurial and sales driven with extensive background in successfully starting and developing multiple new businesses, including the top rated franchisee/area developer award in the entire United States for a leading company. Also, he has over 25 years executive level business management expertise in banking and finance industries with top companies. Dave holds a post-MBA degree from New York University and studied for Ph.D at the Univeristy of London, England. He has authored articles for the Bank Securities Journal and taught courses related to banking and credit at the New York Institute of Credit. Dave often serves as an advisor and guest speaker for executives and business owner groups. Call me for a FREE consultation regarding buying/selling businesses and franchises. Let me help you find a business for achieving your American dream.