Bryant Lafferty

United States, NJ
856-988-1800 x 118
Bryant Lafferty is a business broker of the well-known Remax Connection business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in NJ and nearest regions. Bryant Lafferty has been involved in over 1500 Commercial Real Estate transactions since 1984 including Investment, Apartments, Retail, Office, Industrial and Land. Is currently a member of the Burlington County Board of Realtors, and has achieved both Platinum and Chairman’s Club awards with Remax of New Jersey, has been associated with Certified Commercial Investment Association of New jersey (CCIM), Industrial Association of New Jersey (CII), several Chamber of Commerce Chapters in New Jersey, and served on the board of director’s with the Garden State Rotary of Cherry Hill NJ. He holds a Bachelors of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Delaware. With significant business management experience in the area of Commercial Real Estate, Business Brokerage, Evaluation, Marketing, United States Bankruptcy Court, Real Estate Brokerage and Management, Bank Workout, Rent Receiver and REO Specialist.