Jim Dobbie

600 W 59Th Street
United States, MO, Kansas City, 64113
Jim Dobbie is a Kansas City business broker of the well-known Murphy Business&Financial Corporation business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Kansas City, MO and nearest regions. With over 34 years experience in Financial Services and software design, Jim has an excellent understanding of the needs of a business owner.Jim holds an MBA with an emphasis in Accounting / Finance. He is a highly accomplished business executive with extensive experience leading a software company in the financial services industry.Jim has demonstrated proficiency in managing all aspects of a business including the Financial Viability, Client Relations, Product Management, Systems Design, Sales, and Product implementation. He designed a system from its inception obtaining the business from 7 of the top 10 mutual fund companies in the United States. In return, the system had annual revenue results of $30 million.Jim also had product management responsibility for three other products including; an Insurance Securities Accounting system, a Financial Compliance system, and a Data Warehousing system. Two of these products were European Based products giving him the opportunity to manage people and product in Europe.