young bebus is a business broker of the well-known Vr Business Brokers | Mergers&Acquisition business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in MN and nearest regions. Young Bebus holds her M.B.A. from Carlson School of Business, MN and B.A. in Home Economics from Kyungbook National University, Korea. She has 20 years of business experience in assisted living, home health care, restaurant, apparel, and design and served as manager, director, regional director, COO and has a knack and passion for a variety of businesses and helping business owners. Young was born and raised in South Korea and moved to the USA in 1997. She takes a pride in being the member of the military family for over 20 years, and her Korean heritage. Young is committed to collaborating with business owners and serving business communities through VR Business Sales with a mission-driven culture, professionalism, customer service, and leadership. Contact Young today at youngb@vrtwincities.com for 10 to 15 minute consultation on your business!