Nery Corporation

700 Pleasant St Ste 330
United States, MA, New Bedford, 02740-6254
Nery Corporation is located in MA and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. The Nery Corporation is a business advisory firm specializing in the sale, merger, acquisition, valuation, and consulting for companies with transactional values of $1,000,000 to $20,000,000. Located in New Bedford, Massachusetts, our New England location allows us to service clients in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and New York. At The Nery Corporation, our professional team of business intermediaries have successfully sold companies and are experienced in a broad range of industries: manufacturing, services, wholesale distribution, hospitality, construction trades, automotive, marine, and retail. We have also worked on international assignments selling a U.S. company to a German acquirer, providing valuation services for a Holland based company, representing a China manufacturer to acquire U.S. companies and also work with foreign Buyers.