Lyn Klein

United States, KS
Lyn Klein is a business broker of the well-known Advanced Real Estate Co Pa business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in KS and nearest regions. Lynden (Lyn) Klein has been in various businesses throughout the past 40 years. Much of that experience has come from owning and operating retail and service oriented businesses. Lyn has a B.S. Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in accounting from Fort Hays State University. Following graduation two years were spent working as an auditor and accountant for a local CPA firm, where he completed audits of local municipalities and school districts in central and western Kansas. The next four years were spent as an accountant for a local Mental Health Center, building one of the first computerized time management and allocation systems for the Mental Health system in the country. This system was later marketed by IBM. In 1977 Lyn joined the staff of a local new car dealership as Business Manager and was promoted to General Manager where he was responsible for bringing new franchises into the dealership. During this time period he also became a partner in the real estate of the dealership. It was in 1992 that Lyn received the Governor's Award for Outstanding Merchant in Downtown Revitalization sponsored by Kansas National Main Street Program. The award was given for the support of Downtown Hays through advertising, financial support as well as serving on the Board of Directors of Downtown Business Improvement District. In 1994 Lyn and his wife purchased the TCBY franchise in Hays and took this franchise to one of the top five in the nation before selling in 1999. Also, in 1994 Lyn received his Realtors license and has been actively involved in Real Estate, during this time he attained membership in the million dollar sales group. In 2006 Lyn received his Brokers License from the Kansas Real Estate Commission. Lyn has served as General Manager and regional sales Manager for several companies that have given him experience in mergers, acquisitions, and sales of retail operations. He was partner in a company that critiqued Business Plans, conducted seminars and workshops on Business Plan development and sought Venture Capital.