Biz Owner Advisors

United States, IL
Biz Owner Advisors is located in IL and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. We Help You Set Realistic Expectations In business brokerage, experience counts. You need to work with a St. Louis business broker who has been through the trenches and seen it all. At Biz Owner Advisors, LLC you work directly with the Principal of the firm. We are in business brokerage for the long term. Therefore, our complimentary business evaluation educates business owners about the exit planning process as well as the actual business sale process. After receiving the benefits of our No Charge, No Obligation Business Evaluation, you will know: *the value of the business; *how the value was derived; and *the obstacles you face to a successful sale. A great majority of businesses are not immediately saleable. Understanding how and why your business is valued and identifying the obstacles you face in selling your business is a great first step on the road to success. And we will provide that information to you at no charge with a lot of straight talk so you fully understand your situation. You should always avoid brokers who tell you what you want to hear. Instead, you need an honest assessment (based on years of experience) so you can make the best decisions about the options for your personal circumstances. We Confidentially Sell the Business Again, experience counts. For many owners, the business is their most significant and valuable asset. This is not a process you want to delegate to someone who is still learning the ropes. At Biz Owner Advisors, LLC you work directly with the Principal of the St. Louis business brokerage firm. Although a business sale is never easy, it can be extremely painful if handled inappropriately. You need a broker who: *understands financial aspects of business; *understands the importance of confidentiality; *understands how to price, present, market and defend your business; *understands buyer motivations and behaviors; *qualifies buyers to eliminate the abundance of tire-kickers; *anticipates and resolves problems and prepares you for the scrutiny of the due diligence process; *provides sound advice during the negotiation process; *coordinates all aspects of the closing process; *reduces your involvement (to the extent possible); *minimizes seller financing by educating and helping buyers through the financing process. We Minimize the Need for Seller Financing Surprise! Experience counts – again! Let us tweak Mark Twain’s famous saying a bit: “The reports of the demise of SBA financing have been greatly exaggerated.” To the contrary, for many business sale transactions, SBA financing is available. At Biz Owner Advisors, LLC you work directly with the Principal of the firm, an expert in helping business owners minimize the need for seller financing by helping buyers through the SBA loan process. Biz Owner Advisors, LLC has developed the knowledge, expertise and methodology to work with SBA preferred lenders to streamline the timeframe required for buyers to obtain SBA financing for a business acquisition. We maintain relationships with the top SBA lenders and understand the information required to enable a fast approval (or rejection). In accordance with SBA policies and procedures, SBA-preferred lenders make their own credit decisions and those decisions can be made quickly once the lender has all the necessary information. With our knowledge of the required information and the lenders’ credit policies and procedures, we help streamline the entire process with a goal of minimizing seller financing. However, due to obstacles in the business itself, some businesses may require partial seller financing, even in conjunction with SBA financing.