Ameer Lakhani is a business broker of the well-known Pinnacle Realty Group business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in FL and nearest regions. Company Information: Pinnacle Realty Group works as a Transaction Broker with Buyers & Sellers of Businesses and Commercial Properties in Florida, including, but not limited to, Investment Properties such as Strip Centers, Apartment Buildings, Office Buildings, Mobile Home Parks, Industrial Parks, Prime Land, etc. and Businesses with or without Real Estate such as Gas Stations, Convenience Stores, Restaurants, Delis, Motels, etc. Background: Ameer Lakhani, President of Pinnacle Realty Group is a Licensed Real Estate Broker, and has been serving Florida market for the past 14 years. Ameer has a Business Management degree from SIU, and was involved with the Hospitality Industry for 20+ years prior to joining the Real Estate Profession. Specialization: Please call us at 813-925-0200 or e-mail us at Ameer@Pinnaclerg.com for consultation and references. You may also reach Ameer Lakhani at 727-776-6200. Affiliations: Member of Business Brokers of Florida Member of Greater Tampa Realtor Association