Steven Schneider

7166 Curlew Street
United States, FL, Sarasota, 34241
Steven Schneider is a Sarasota business broker of the well-known Cibb | Cbi business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Sarasota, FL and nearest regions. Steve Schneider is a seasoned entrepreneur, with over 40 years hands-on experience in business ownership, operations and equity & asset transactions. He provides professional M&A intermediary and brokerage service to his clients. Steve's experience in the business brokerage profession began with the purchase of a Corporate Investment Business Brokers franchise in 1983. He has also been a Franchise Broker since 2005 and is a real estate licensee. Since 2005, nearly 400 franchisers have commissioned Steve to recruit franchisees for their new and resale business opportunities. His expertise is further bolstered by the fact that he has been a franchisee of five different franchise systems. Steve holds a BBA in Accounting and has worked as an Registered Representative for two major New York Stock Exchange member firms.