Brian Elkin

United States, CT
Brian Elkin is a business broker of the well-known Elink & Lee Buainess & Realty Advisors business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in CT and nearest regions. I understand starting, owning and selling a business. I have been in your place, and have started, sold and merged several businesses during my career. My experience has groomed me as one of the founding partners of Elkin & Lee Business and Realty Advisors. I want to use that experience to try to help you avoid many common mistakes in looking at a new business or selling one in which you have both a monetary and emotional attachment. A Serial Entrepreneur, I have been working as a successful business broker and licensed real estate professional since 2009. Prior to this, I owned several businesses of my own, including a music and entertainment company and a successful small chain of chicken and ribs upscale fast-food restaurants (which grew from one store to ten and went public on NASDAQ).This company was then acquired by a large conglomerate and the name is still operational to date. Subsequent to my restaurant chain I worked for Cox Media for 12 years in the New York City office focusing on direct response media buying for large ad agency clients. Whether it was being an entrepreneur in my own business or opening up new business segments as part of a larger organization, I am always focused on profitability and sustainability in an ever changing market. Let me put that experience and knowledge to work for you.