Reni Della Maggiore

United States, CA
Reni Della Maggiore is a business broker of the well-known Reni Della Maggiore business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in CA and nearest regions. Reni’s sales for vineyard properties for the last ten years total in excess of $95 million. His total sales volume exceeds $165 million. In 2004 & 2005 he received the Coldwell Banker Commercial Circle of Distinction award, an honor shared by only the top 1 percent of the company’s 5,000-plus sales associates. As a marketer of international property, Reni belongs to the international real estate federation, FIABCI, which takes his business travels into places such as Spain, France, Argentina, Greece, Asia and Italy. Reni has served as Vice President for the FIABCI/World Rural Land Commission and as President of the Northern California FIABCI Chapter. Reni is a current member of the Association of Commercial Real Estate (ACRE) and a member of the Realtors Land Institute (RLI) that specializes in agriculture properties. He is also a member of the National and Northern California Chapter of Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM). Reni specializes in sales of agricultural, commercial, investments (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and wetland mitigation properties. Reni is a former Commissioner for the California Wheat Commission.