Lida Sadati

United States, CA
Lida Sadati is a business broker of the well-known Liberty Business Advisors Of San Francisco business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in CA and nearest regions. At 18 I started up my own business, called “faxed food” I utilized a space in a restaurant to make simple meals and delivered it to surrounding businesses in order to create and income. At 21 I purchase a small 144 sq ft location to do Deli and Bakery, it was a asset sell, very low revenues, in couple of months brought the business to life and increased revenue and my net sells. Now I like to do the same for you. I understand from the sellers’ point of view, you are not just selling a business, rather your hard work, your goodwill; you have worked hard and would like to reap the rewards. As a buyer I understand, your purchasing more than a dream of entrepreneurship, you are investing for your and your families future. My background is I grew up in the Food and Beverage industry. My late 20's early 30's I managed retail shops.