Linda Disiere is a Eureka business broker of the well-known Disiere & Associates business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Eureka, CA and nearest regions. Licensed in California since 1974, and Humboldt County for over 20 years. Served on the County planning commission for four years. Current member Eureka Chamber and served as president. In 1990, Linda and her husband John moved to Eureka to enjoy the coastal living and community filled with arts and outdoor activities. Committed to customer service and strong real estate skills, Linda has earned her CRS (Certified Residential Specialist) and CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Management) designations. She is a member of Humboldt Association of Realtors and served as Past President. Linda is involved in the community. She has served on the Board of Directors and Past President of the Eureka Chamber of Commerce. She is a founder and Board Member of the Women Entrepreneurs Institute and has a strong interest in supporting women in business and in life. She has served as a Planning Commissioner for Humboldt County, served on the Board of Directors for the Eureka Main Street Project and numerous committees and associations for business development and community planning. Linda offers enthusiasm, integrity, and dedication to her clients. She uses strong negotiation and problem-solving skills to succeed as a buyers or sellers advocate. She has a background in residential, business, technology and investment. This includes first-hand experience in 1031 exchanges, development projects and relocation. She is ready to put her experience, knowledge and expertise to work for you.