
150 South Wacker Drive
United States, IL, Chicago, 60606
Iacquisitions is located in IL and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. iAcquisitions is a global mergers and acquisitions firm founded by a team of internet entrepreneurs and financial professionals that exclusively advise on internet based business transactions. Our team of experienced internet business brokers has the industry expertise needed to guide buyers and sellers every step of the way, as our proven process has consistently resulted in an 80% close rate. Our brokers have personally started, operated and sold numerous successful internet businesses, ensuring our team has the first-hand experience and financial background needed to facilitate a successful transaction for both the buyer and the seller. At iAcquisitions, we specialize in representing superior quality internet businesses that offer a great return on investment with financial statements that can be independently verified. Our team of expert advisors speak the language of internet and we handle every transaction with integrity and professionalism, ensuring all parties are satisfied with the end result. Over the years, iAcquisitions has established a powerful buyer database with thousands of registered buyers and our proven listing formula consistently produces results for our clients. Our exclusive focus on the internet business market combined with our team's financial background gives our clients a competitive edge, which simply can't be matched by the competition. Our brokers have bachelor degrees in business management, finance and accounting that give our team the financial background needed to properly understand our clients' financial statements, which is a fundamental requirement for maximizing the final sale price on every transaction. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar business brokers and most of our competitors, our industry veterans have over a decade of experience in the online market, ensuring our marketing and negotiations deliver results at or above market value.