Dakin Business Group

P. O. Box 2106
United States, NM, Santa Fe, 87504
Dakin Business Group is located in NM and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. Members of Dakin Business Group provide business owners and buyers with tools and services that will help them in their work including confidential business brokering and more. Members of the business group are professionals in their fields, each with a depth of expertise that gives the business owner the edge necessary to be successful. Priscilla Dakin, principal of Dakin Business Group, is a seasoned entrepreneur and business executive, one who has worked over her 30 year career in a number of industries from manufacturing to health care, retail to publishing and beyond. She has bought and sold companies, served as managing partner in joint ventures, been the sole leader and part of leadership teams in both for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises. In every environment she is respected for her business know how and ethical decision-making. Her opinion and guidance is routinely sought. Priscilla brings to her business brokering work these experiences, expertise, and an MBA from the University of Chicago. She works collaboratively with other brokers and professionals whenever possible in her business brokering work, ensuring each transaction has the breadth of viable buyers, sellers, and experience of over 800 transactions. Ms. Dakin is a member of the Institute for Business Appraisers. She has successfully completed their education and testing for certification.Members of Dakin Business Group work together to lead you through the smoothest business transaction possible.
City: Santa Fe
Phone: 505-690-1413
Email: priscilladakin@dakinbusinessgroup.com