Michael Rooney

829 Beaver Ridge Ct SE
United States, iA, Cedar Rapids, 52403
Michael Rooney is a Delhi business broker of the well-known Murphy Business&Financial Corporation business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Delhi, IA and nearest regions. Mike Rooney has spent the last 35 years in various businesses and roles. His experiences include startups, turnarounds, regional and national companies, and Fortune 500 companies. Some of the industries include Grocery Stores, Distribution, Convenience Stores, Manufacturing, Car Washes, Restaurants, and product development from concept to market. Mike’s executive and operational experience, as well as a special talent in structuring and positioning transactions, helps both the buyer and the seller find a mutually beneficial solution. Mike understands the highs and lows of business ownership; having personally created, purchased and sold several businesses throughout his career. He understands the array of emotions involved with the buying and selling of a business and is committed to being respectful of those emotions. With this knowledge, he understands the high level of integrity, respect, and commitment required to successfully complete the transaction for both the buyer and the seller so that everyone wins. Most importantly, he understands that your business can be more than just a business; it can be your life. Mike holds a Bachelor Degree in Marketing from Concordia College, in addition to a Degree from the Executive Program at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Mike lives in Delhi Iowa, has 4 grown children and 5 grandchildren. He enjoys getting to know new people and spending time with his family.