Jerry Grode

2500 West 49Th Street, Suite 101
United States, SD, Sioux Falls, 57105
Jerry Grode is a Sioux Falls business broker of the well-known Murphy Business&Financial Corporation business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Sioux Falls, SD and nearest regions. A licensed business broker for seven years, Jerry has established himself as a premier business broker in the Sioux Empire with dozens of successful transactions to his credit. Over the years Jerry has assisted both buyers and sellers to close business transactions from small lifestyle businesses to multi-state manufacturing companies, amounting to over $20 million dollars. In addition to being a business broker, Jerry owns a business in Sioux Falls and has owned and started various businesses over the years. Jerry holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology and Psychology from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD. Jerry and his wife Peg have three grown children, and reside in Sioux Falls, SD.