Dominic Boggiano

201 W. Washington Ave Suite 255
United States, MI, Zeeland, 49464
Dominic Boggiano is a Zeeland business broker of the well-known Rua Associates business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Zeeland, MI and nearest regions. Rua Associates is a Michigan-based Mergers and Acquisitions Firm. We work primarily with companies in Michigan on the preparation and execution of their buy-side or sell-side business transaction. We have a unique process and approach that has been found to not only achieve a higher success-rate than the industry average, but also our clients have less remorse than average. We work with buyers and sellers upfront and specifically focus our time on those that have interest in one of our listings and getting them more information. Manufacturing (Furniture, Food, Automotive, etc.) Distribution Service (Insurance, Staffing, IT, etc.) Niche Retail Midwest (Sellers) International (Buyers) Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA) Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) Alliance of Mergers and Acquisition Advisors Michigan Business Brokers Association