Todd Ruhkick

330 South Executive Drive
United States, WI, Brookfield, 53005
Todd Ruhkick is a Brookfield business broker of the well-known Sunbelt - Milwaukee business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Brookfield, WI and nearest regions. Todd brings valuable experience to Sunbelt Business Brokers. To start his career, Todd attended the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. This is where to built the foundation of his 20 year career in sales and sales management working for three Fortune 100 companies. After starting his career in sales, he was promoted to sales management and lead a variety of sales teams in Wisconsin.. From there he was recruited to assist his new employer in expanding their product and service offerings. Finally his success at that position lead him to be recruited to a multi-state District Sales Manager position where he lead a top performing sales team. While working for these companies Todd began investing and managing his own investment real estate. In 2004 Todd pursued the desire to control his own destiny by owning his own business and became a multi-unit franchise restaurant owner/operator. This experience as an investor, a business owner and corporate management provides a unique perspective on business ownership, start up, acquisition and management to both buyers and sellers.Todd holds a Wisconsin Real Estate license and is a member of Sunbelt Midwest, with offices in Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin, helping people buy and sell businesses in Wisconsin and the greater Midwest area.