Duke Business Advisors

22415 Market Street Unit 1408
United States, NC, Cornelius, 28031
Duke Business Advisors is located in NC and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. We provide a broad array of services to the Business Owner and the Business Buyer. Our Company is set up differently than most Business Brokerage firms in that we provide a wide base of talent and expertise to help address and advise the Business Community. Here are some of the services Carolina Business Associates provides to our Clients:Virtually, every one of our Team has owned and operated their own Business, so we understand the issues that affect our Clients. We have people with experience in Business Management, Legal issues, Business Valuations, Machinery & Equipment Appraisal, Exit Planning, Mergers & Acquisitions, Business Consulting, Commercial Real Estate, Banking, Public Accounting, Underwriting, Buyer Searches, Franchise Sales and Re-Sale, as well as specialization in providing Buyer Funding of transactions.As your business broker, we will work diligently whether the transaction is a sale, Merger and Acquisition, or resale of a Franchise. Additionally, we will help if the deal is a machinery and equipment appraisal, machinery and equipment brokerage, business consulting, exit planning.
City: Cornelius
Phone: 704-953-5608
Email: steve@dukebizadvisors.com