Gary Cowell

4744 Jamestown Ave Ste.200
United States, LA, Baton Rouge, 70808
Gary Cowell is a business broker of the well-known Sunbelt Business Brokers Of Baton Rouge business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in LA and nearest regions. Gary is a lifelong resident of the Baton Rouge area with more than 30 years of successful business experience. Gary has accumulated a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of sales, sales management, marketing and essential business practices. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, Gary can help you reach your goals successfully. Gary is also a licensed realtor in the state of Louisiana.He applies himself fully in all aspects of his family and business by being devoted, professional, practical and proactive. If you are considering selling your business or looking to purchase an existing company, call Gary and create a new direction for your future. “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar