Business Brokers International

2901 W Coast Hwy # 200
United States, AZ, 92663
Business Brokers International is located in AZ and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. One of BBI’s greatest advantages is its network of international cash buyers. These individuals are looking to buy and run an American business, then expand it and hire additional American Citizens. They are seeking a specialty investment visa or green card known as: E2 Visa EB5 Direct Green Card program BBI has been assisting these buyers for many years and has helped hundreds of them purchase businesses like yours. Our network is over 50 countries strong with buyers ready to purchase a good viable business and start their new American Dream. The second most significant advantage to hiring BBI is our team. BBI employs educated agents who are knowledgeable and trained to: -Value your business correctly -Review the industry and trends -Market your business in strict confidentiality -Work to bring you only qualified buyers quickly *WE CO-BROKE* We take our fiduciary responsibility serious and honor our commitment to bring you ALL qualified buyers. This is a requirement of all licensed Brokers and Agents. However, it is rarely fully honored in the business broker industry; most brokers throughout the U.S. do not “co-broke” or share their commissions with other agents/ brokers. Why should this be important to you? Because everyday sellers' agents and brokers, unbeknownst to the seller, turn away dozens of potential buyers asking about your business, simply because they are not willing to share the commission (you are paying them) with the buyers agent. At BBI we embrace all qualified buyers and offer to share commissions with all business brokers and licensed agents who produce a qualified candidate. This commitment to you,significantly increases your market of potential candidates and substantially increases your ability to sell your business fast.
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Phone: 949-492-2763
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Phone: 949-245-6220
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Phone: 949-632-2600