Calvin Breske is a Sioux Falls business broker of the well-known Murphy Business&Financial Corporation business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Sioux Falls, SD and nearest regions. Calvin Breske is a Partner and Broker Associate with Murphy Business of Sioux Falls. Calvin is also a Broker Associate with NAI Sioux Falls, a local commercial real estate firm. Calvin earned his Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in accounting from the University of South Dakota in 1978. As a CPA, Calvin has ten years of public accounting experience, with experience in business valuations, corporate and individual tax matters; has performed numerous audits and consulted with many business owners. Calvin went on to be firm administrator of a large public accounting firm, controller of a large engineering firm and CFO of a food service distributor. In 2008 Calvin joined NAI Sioux Falls as Director of Property Management and Broker Associate. Throughout the years, Calvin has had experience in various business acquisitions, dispositions, buy-sell agreements and non-compete agreements. Calvin and his wife Colleen, reside in Sioux Falls, SD.