Art Chauvin

4744 Jamestown Ave Ste.200
United States, LA, Baton Rouge, 70808
Art Chauvin is a Baton Rouge business broker of the well-known Sunbelt - Baton Rouge business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Baton Rouge, LA and nearest regions. Art Chauvin, Certified Business Broker, is a very experienced businessman. He has been with Sunbelt Business Brokers for over 13 years residing in Houma, Louisiana. Prior to his time at Sunbelt, Art was a business owner for 13 years, owning a convenience store, restaurant, carwash, and bait and tackle shop. In his early days, Art was commissioned by the Tandy Corporation to open and manage a number of RadioShack retail stores in the Caribbean market, on the island of Saint Thomas. He effectively opened and managed 26 stores for the company. Art currently works primarily in the Houma / Thibodaux market in South Louisiana. He is enthusiastic and seasoned about putting together buyers and sellers of businesses. Art has successfully completed all the requirements and is a "Certified Business Broker". if you are looking to buy a good business for sale or decided its time to sell my business, Art is eager to put his talent and expertise to work for you.