Cyndi Weinbaum

United States, GA
Cyndi Weinbaum is a business broker of the well-known We Sell Restaurants business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in GA and nearest regions. Cyndi is a licensed Real Estate Agent who has been representing Buyers and Sellers for over a decade. And while her experience has been primarily in the residential market, both resells and new construction, her ability to negotiate complex contracts and perform valuation analysis also serves the commercial real estate and business community. She is a certified negotiation specialist and has attended many workshops and seminars on sales and marketing and is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Club. She has also received instruction and testing leading to designation as a Certified Restaurant Broker. Cyndi sharpened her negotiating and business analysis skills as a buyer for Macy’s where she collaborated on multifaceted deals in order to maximize return and further developing her ability to quickly and accurately review financial data to evaluate value and drive sales. As a Restaurant Broker, Cyndi is now working with restaurant owners to accurately value, market and sell their restaurants for maximum value. She is also helping buyers identify the right business opportunity based on their financial goals and objectives.