Denis Burke

2803 Fruitville Rd, #222
United States, FL, Sarasota, 34237
Denis Burke is a Sarasota business broker of the well-known Business Broker World business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Sarasota, FL and nearest regions. Denis J. Burke is the President and CEO of Business Broker World. He was born and raised on a small island off the coast of Ireland and immigrated to New York in 1986. He is a naturalized United States Citizen. He has been a lifelong Entrepreneur and has over 30 years as a business owner, partner and consultant. Denis’s philosophy is to conduct all business with the utmost of confidentiality, trust and integrity. He prides himself on producing the highest level of service to his clients through analysis and solution based consulting. His education consist of several qualification and degrees from schools in Ireland and in the US including a BS Degree from the Academy of Food Marketing at St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia PA and a Doctorate in Philosophy-Metaphysics.He is a skilled writer, public speaker, educator and a published author. In 2013, he was a guest on over 100 talk radio shows, interviewed by Money Magazine and wrote an article in USA Today Magazine and Home Business Magazine. Denis is an active member of Toastmaster International, and a member of the International Business Brokers Association. Denis has also been certified as a Senior Valuation Specialist and awarded the prestigious designation of Accredited Business Intermediary by the American Business Brokers Association. Among his other accomplishments, he is a licensed Licensed Florida Business Broker and Commercial Real Estate Agent.