Don Pippin Jr.

United States
Don Pippin Jr is the Sunbelt Business Brokers office owner for Lafayette, LA. Don brings an array of experience in both Lafayette-based and out-of-state business ventures, including real estate development and franchise acquisitions. Don has business savvy from extensive marketing knowledge, and has been involved in all areas of business from start-ups to mergers and divesting. In 1989, Don purchased an IT solutions franchise known as ComputerLand that provided professional networking, software integration and training services for businesses, in particular major petrochemical facilities in southeast Texas. In 1991, Don was awarded Top Franchise within the ComputerLand system. Don was a founding partner in EmStat, a comprehensive Hospital Emergency Information System to Business Records after successfully installing the system in over 75 hospitals nationwide. In addition, Don was a founding partner in Justice Link, an electronic filing system between courts and law firms. The business installed systems nationwide and was merged with CourtLink and sold to Lexis Nexis in 2002. In 1997, he began developing real estate holdings in Louisiana, Texas and Colorado. He recently sold local popular retail franchises Once Upon A Child and Clothes Mentor. Don is presently on the board of Lafayette’s Better Business Bureau, and enjoys fishing, aviation, and all things outdoors.