Lisa Wolfe

800 W Main Street, Suite 1460
United States, ID, Boise, 83702
Lisa Wolfe is a Boise business broker of the well-known Murphy Business&Financial Corporation business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Boise, ID and nearest regions. Lisa Wolfe is an active partner in the Murphy Business and Financial of Southwest Idaho office, while also continuing to serve as a Senior Project Manager for the third largest food retailing company in the United States.She started her career at Micron Technology, headquartered in Boise, Idaho. While there she worked in and managed various disciplines of business including training, communications, and technology. As a Sr. Project Manager at SUPERVALU, her successful leadership style has been characterized as diplomatic, collaborative, approachable, respectful, and honest. She is analytical in her approach and evaluates opportunities based on good research and facts. As a critical and creative thinker, Lisa employs a solutions-oriented style of deal management to achieve client’s goals.Ms. Wolfe has a BS in Marketing from the University of Idaho, and enjoys traveling, sailing, reading, and writing.