Probus Business Sales

51 East Campbell Ave
United States, CA, 95008
Probus Business Sales is located in CA and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. At Probus Business Sales our only business is the facilitation of the transfer of business opportunities from seller to buyer. I have been a business broker since 1988 and the owner of my own brokerage. When you retain me to sell your business: * I will suggest a fair and reasonable selling price, one which will help your business sell quickly. * I will package your business so that it presents a fair and accurate picture to the buyer. * and I will take you through the entire process of the sale to assure a smooth transfer. If you are looking to buy a business I will guide you through the maze of business acquisition and help you avoid costly mistakes. I will make sure that the sale complies with all California laws and regulations so that your new business can be a positive step toward your financial future. If you need a market evaluation of you business for partnership buy-in or buy-out, for estate purposes, or because of marital dissolution, I can help with that as well.
City: Campbell
Phone: 408-370-5288
Email: Not found
City: Morgan Hill
Phone: 831-333-6513
Email: Not found