Paul Willingham

1400 Easton Drive
United States, CA, Bakersfield, 93309
Paul Willingham is a Bakersfield business broker of the well-known Sunbelt - Bakersfield business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Bakersfield, CA and nearest regions. It is said that in order to master something we need at least 10,000 hours in that field or topic. If that's the case, then Paul has multiple mastery. Paul has been the financial services industry since 1972. He has more than 86,000 hours in money. His history includes virtually every aspect of money and finance from taxes to collections, from real estate to securities, from insurance to credit, from banking to mortgages and a variety of lending both business and personal. In essence, if it had anything to do with money, Paul spent time in that business.Ultimately, Paul saw connections between what most people think as unconnected financial matters. He developed a financial system that links many typically unrelated financial tools money together creating more cash flow, lower taxes, and greater wealth. For a business owner, access to this synergistic thinking can prove revolutionary.The Pig even holds patent pendings on some of these uniquely powerful financial systems.Paul is an accomplished author and speaker having written a book on finance as well as numerous articles and essays on money, taxes and finance and having lectured to some of the largest financial services companies in the nation.