Bill Bryan

United States
William Bryan has been licensed to practice law in the State of Louisiana since 2000. His practice focuses on Campaign and Election Law as well as Emergency Management Law. Hired in January 2005 by then-Attorney General Charles Foti to handle election law matters for the state, Bryan was assigned to work with FEMA in August of 2005 to ensure the state was correctly handling its legal affairs associated with Disaster Recovery. He served as the emergency management representative for the Department of Justice for the next 10 years. In 2015, GCR, Inc., offered Bryan the position of Closeout Supervisor to oversee the legal aspects of closing out FEMA Hazard Mitigation Elevation Grants awarded to homeowners flooded by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Prior to attending law school, Bill worked in television news for eleven years covering politics and state government. He was asked to be the press secretary to state and national elected officials, then he was hired as a political consultant. While in law school, Bryan formed a governmental relations firm and continues to attract clients. In 2020, Bill also obtained his Louisiana Real Estate Salesperson license.