Ed Mysogland

United States
As its Managing Partner, Ed guides the development of the organization, its knowledge strategy, and the IBA initiative, which is to continue to be Indiana’s premier business brokerage by bringing investment banker caliber of transactional advisory services to small and mid-sized businesses. Over the last 26 years, Ed has been appraising and providing pre-sale consulting services for small and medium-size privately held business as part of brokerage process. He has worked with entrepreneurs of every pedigree and offers a unique insight in consulting with them to a successful outcome. The development of his experience stems from appraising many types, sizes, and interests. He has valued businesses in 28 states over his career. He has saved buy-side clients millions and successfully defended the business value of his sell-side clients. He has served as an expert witness and has taught about business valuation and exit planning. Ed is a graduate of the distinguished Stanley K. Lacy Leadership Series; chapter President of the Exit Planning Institute and has served several not for profit organizations.