Accounting Practice Sales

Accounting Practice Sales is located in and offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. The Holmes Group is a dedicated team of brokers with nearly two decades of combined experience in accounting practice sales and acquisitions. They have an in-depth knowledge of the public accounting business and have successfully negotiated hundreds of practice transactions. The members of The Holmes Group have diverse backgrounds in accounting, sales and finance to assist in every part of the sales process from business valuation and marketing to closing and transition. Bradley Holmes is a CPA with a Masters degree in accounting from The University of North Texas. Trent Holmes holds a BA in finance from The University of North Texas and Ryan Pannell is a real estate broker with a BA in Economics, Managerial Studies and English from Rice University. For years, the group worked along side Howard Holmes, the founder of Accounting Practice Sales, and drew on his vast experience, not only as a successful APS broker, but also as a CPA practice owner of more than 20 years and the purchaser of 9 practices himself during that time. Howard Holmes now remains involved as a consultant for the group. Practice owners and buyers often get into trouble when structuring the deal. Our brokers help mitigate confusion and make sure both sides get what they want. Want cash at closing? Need to finance? We have the answers that will help prevent these troubles from escalating into large-scale disasters.
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Phone: 604-612-8019
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Phone: 888-847-1040
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Phone: 888-277-6040
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Phone: 888-783-7822
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Phone: 514-661-0782
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