Eileen Wu

675 Cochrane Drive, East Tower, 6Th Floor
Canada, Markham, L3R 0B8
Eileen Wu is a Markham business broker of the well-known Murphy Business&Financial Corporation business brokerage company who helps people sell their business in Markham, and nearest regions. Eileen is the owner of the Murphy Business Toronto North firm (including North York and Scarborough area). Eileen held senior management positions with one of the largest Canadian banks and a telecommunications company. As an energetic and enthusiastic professional, Eileen has extensive experiences in multiple industries, including Utility, IT, Telecom, Banking, and Insurance. Eileen’s areas of expertise include marketing, contract negotiation, business analysis, and project management. Eileen earned her MBA degree from Queen's University in Kingston Ontario and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Sichuan University, China. Eileen is fluent in both English and Mandarin. She enjoys music, swimming and hiking in her free time.